This is the very rare Wrenn W2301A "Coronation" Streamliner Stanier Pacific, running number 6220 in LMS Blue, introduced by Wrenn Basildon in 1983. The Body was a N. K..C. Keyser white metal kit which Wrenn sprayed and fitted with a MK2 chassis with "shaved" cylinders. Production indicates 81 minimum were produced between 1984 and 1987, however based on my experience over the years as a collector I do not believe this figure was exceeded by Basildon. Others in the Streamliner range include;
W2300 Ready to run Body and Chassis Kit
W2301 Queen Elizabeth (LMS Blue - 6211 - Rare)
W2302 King George 1V (LMS Red - 6244 - Rare)
W2302A Duchess of Rutland (LMS Red - 6228 - Very Rare)
W2303 City of Bristol (LMS Black - 6237 - Almost Unobtainable)
The reasons for Basildons withdrawal of these Streamliners is vague, but certainly many of the base kits were rejected at source, and we are also aware of the poor finishing and transfer lining problems. I have found however, the MK2 chassis to be very reliable in use.